Index de autori (nr. 208)

Caraivan Daniel, activist dedicat drepturilor omului, este doctorand în sociologie la Școala Doctorală SNSPA. Aprofundând cercetarea socială cantitativă și calitativă, își concentrează atenția asupra identității etnice a romilor, sociologiei electorale și politicilor publice. Are o serie de contribuții în rapoarte, studii și articole privind comunitatea romă. Lucrarea sa „Căsătoriile mixte ... Citește mai mult

Rudarii din satul Glod, județul Dâmbovița. Studiu cules de Nicolae Gheorghe

Abstract Nicolae Gheorghe was born in 1946, in Roşiorii de Vede. In 1968, Nicolae entered the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Philosophy from the University of Bucharest. He finished, in 1972, as valedictorian, with an average grade of 10. Since he was hired in 1972 at the Center for Sociological Research, Nicolae has been involved in several research about the Roma, of which we want to mention two: in 1974, the Communist Party launched a research on Roma, which aimed to find out the causes of their marginalization in Romania; and in 1976, he worked on a project aimed at ”social integration of young gypsies”. Most likely, these projects targeting the Roma led Nicolae to take possession of this study about relatives in Glod.

Keywords Nicolae Gheorghe; roma people; Glod; rudari ... Citește mai mult

Drabarimos – De la magie la psihoterapie

Abstract Starting from the idea that any offer follows of a possible request, we can admit that both magical practices and psychotherapy come as a response to some needs of people, more or less aware but, yet, manifested. In this workpaper, I propose myself, on the one hand, to highlight the role and contributions of Roma women in preserving the mental and emotional health, but also the well-being of individuals in a pre-psychotherapy and contemporary psychotherapy society. The specialized literature attributes this practice of predicting the future mainly to the Roma under an apparently ethnological approach but full of essentialism, stereotypes and prejudices, and even, sometimes, as a form of fraud.

Keywords predicting the future; Roma; pre-psychotherapy; social contribution ... Citește mai mult

Reprezentarea romilor în manualele școlare din Uniunea Europeană

Abstract The Roma people have been the subject of many wrongdoings and obstacles since their first appearance in the European space. As the largest minority in Europe, the people of Roma origin have managed to influence, more or less, the culture of many countries in the European Union. The analysis will consider multiple educational areas such as history, geography or civic culture where Roma are represented in a different way, depending on their history in that territory. Particular attention will be paid to Germany because it offers a number of extremely well-applied methods and practices while having few people of Roma origin.

Keywords Roma people; European Union; textbooks; good practices; inclusive education ... Citește mai mult

Aspecte socio-lingvistice privind comunitatea de romi Bereasca din Ploiești

Abstract The present work aims to present a series of aspects regarding, on the one hand, the diversity of Roma groups present in the Bereasca community in the city of Ploiești, and on the other hand, the relations between Roma and Romanians and the mutual influence between the two ethnic groups from a linguistic and cultural point of view.

Keywords Roma groups; dialects of the Romani language; Roma culture; interculturalism; cultural assimilation ... Citește mai mult

Romii din România postdecembristă. Spre democratizarea și europenizarea societății. Studii de caz: Hădăreni și Romulus Mailat

Abstract The subject of the relationship between Roma and the State in post-communist Romania can be representative in order to measure the proximity and also the distance of the Romanian society from two major objectives: the democratization, in the 90s, and the Europeanization in the following decade – not only the integration in the EU structures, but also in a system of European values: democracy and rule of law, tolerance and social solidarity. The following two case studies are illustrative for the aforementioned periods. My analisys focuses in the first phase on the actions of Romanian representatives, and consecutively concerns the European dimension – what Romania, as a democratic and European state, did or should have done.

Keywords Roma; post-communist Romania; democratization; Europeanization; case studies; Hădăreni; Romulus Mailat ... Citește mai mult

Romafobia – o abordare teoretică

Abstract Today, Roma people are one of the most underrepresented communities in Europe, facing a rise in negative attitudes towards them. In many societies, it is considered acceptable to discriminate against Roma people by invoking presumed negative traits assumed to be common among all Roma individuals. These traits are often associated with criminality, deviance, and a parasitic lifestyle. The aim of this study is to highlight the theoretical aspects related to anti-Roma sentiment, as well as the factors contributing to this form of discrimination, such as prejudice, nationalism, and ethnic identity.

Keywords anti-Roma sentiment; prejudice; threat; ethnic identity; nationalism ... Citește mai mult

Câteva elemente ale gheorghianismului

Abstract Nicolae Gheorghe’s legacy is unique for the Roma. A man that dedicated all his life and knowledge to understand the past and current realities and further hoping to contribute to a different future of the European Roma. There are several articles published presenting his life, but only few talks about his ideas, values, and vision. The “gheorghianism” is at its first steps of conceptualization, within the academia and civil society, at almost a decade since Nicolae Gheorghe passed-away. The current text it is an introductory article of some of the struggles and intellectual challenges of Nicolae Gheorghe.

Keywords gheorghianism; Nicolae Gheorghe; emancipation; Roma intellectual ... Citește mai mult