Managementul spitalelor în perioada pandemiei COVID-19

Hospital management in COVID-19 pandemic, fulfilling the necessary conditions for the medical act and improving it. Efficient management of human, financial, material resources measures taken in Bihor county as coordinator of hospitals during 2020, at the same time as manager of the Oradea County Emergency Clinical Hospital. The important role of local public administrative authorities in organizing during the covid-19 pandemic (hospitals consortium, construction of new hospitals; massive testing; etc...). Public health policies in times of crisis (National Recovery and Resilience Plan). Conclusions on hospital management in COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact of this period on society (2020-2021). ... Citește mai mult

Reflecții despre pandemie în gândirea politică

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic stimulated a lot of thoughts and academic debates on its impact not only on the health systems, but also on economy anfd the labour market, human rights and international relations. This article is a brief synthesis of the literarature – in the area of political science – dedicated to the pandemic challenges, to possible post-pandemics scenarios and on the opportunities for a future world. ... Citește mai mult


În data de 4 iunie 2021, revista Sfera Politicii, în parteneriat cu Pentagon Media & Research, a organizat Conferința – COVID & SOCIETATE. SCHIMBĂRI ȘI PERSPECTIVE ALE SOCIETĂȚII ÎN PERIOADA PANDEMIEI, eveniment sponsorizat de Exim Bank și susținut de Romgaz și Transgaz, avand ca parteneri media Radio România Actualități, Agerpres și Alert 24.
La conferință au participat reprezentanți ai mediului academic, dar deopotrivă ai mediului politic, administrativ și ai celui economic. ... Citește mai mult