Index de autori

Bianca Blaja este studentă în anul III la Facultatea de Jurnalism și Științele Comunicării din cadrul Universității din București, specializarea Comunicare și Relații Publice. Domeniile sale de interes sunt: PR medical, comunicare și relații publice, branding, business, social media și jurnalism. Alfred Bulai este sociolog, profesor universitar dr. și director ... Citește mai mult

Cultura, domeniu esențial într-o societate post-COVID


This article tackles the normative and axiological insights of declaring culture an essential domain for a postCOVID European society. My argument is that such European direction, progressively implemented in states such as Belgium or Italy, could positively impact the financial relaunch, not only reopening, of Romanian cultural creative sectors, in terms of providing a new legal background for recruiting creative workforce, and determining cultural entrepreneurship as a factor of economic growth. ... Citește mai mult

Măsurile excepționale în „războiul“ antiviral și problema responsabilității autorităților


The paper aims to outline the vulnerabilities and major dangers posed by “exceptional“ measures in the current context of the pandemic from the perspective of “distribution of competences“ and the legal and moral responsibility of the authorities. The assumption of this paper is that in regimes with “exceptional“ measures there is (a) the risk of authoritarianism of executives in conditions of restricted role (supervision and control) of parliaments and the judiciary, civil society and the media, manifested as risk of misuse and mismanagement of COVID-19 funding and of increasing corruption in the spending of public funds; (b) the risk that the authorities will not take responsibility for “emergency“ decisions related or not to the pandemic, avoiding the verification of the legality and proportionality of the measures. ... Citește mai mult

Libertatea în drepturi la vreme de pandemie


The pandemic generated by SARS COV 2 virus had and is still having multiple effects in uncountable plans which have at their center the human being. For this reason, an approach based on respecting human rights alongside with maintaining social equilibrium and citizen`s solidarity has been and is still being wanted, for which guarantying the rights and fundamental liberties remains essential and proportionally necessary with the restrictions imposed through the series of normative acts that established the state of emergency and the state of alert in Romania. The normative framework for emergency situations is ensured through international standards and national legislation concerning human rights and, in this context, there are some rights with an absolute character which can`t be affected in no circumstance. ... Citește mai mult

Evoluția sistemului politic românesc în 2020


In Romania, 2020 was an election year: during it, the ninth legislative election and the eighth round of local elections were organized. But 2020 was also the year of the covid19. Its consequences on politics manifested itself in three ways: the first concerns the electoral calendar itself, the second – the political participation, and the last – the party system. ... Citește mai mult

Pandemia de COVID-19 și politica internațională


Pandemic outbreaks are not a new phenomenon globally nevertheless, each epidemic has its own defining features, magnitude, and discernible impact in world politics. Sometimes in its manifestation, the Covid pandemic has taken on the characteristic of a shock that has exacerbated the pre-existing polarizations of geopolitical rivalries and produced huge changes in the behavior of great powers on the international arena. The purpose of this article is not to provide possible solutions and scenarios to follow. We want to offer some considerations for stimulate to look for new interpretives frameworks in fundamental and empirical research in the field of international theory and policy during a pandemic crisis. ... Citește mai mult

Pandemia de COVID-19 – test de rezistență pentru democrații


In the present uncommon health context, the public authorities have had to face new challenges with respect to the check and balance system. In the face of COVID-19 pandemic, governments have restricted a number of fundamental rights and freedoms, which called into question the very existence of the rule of law. The present study aims at making a comparative analysis of how parliaments in the European countries worked during the pandemic, as well as how they interacted with the executive authorities. We are trying to answer several questions such as: To what extent did the laws which were made and changed during the crisis comply with the constitutional requirements? Have parliaments succeeded in performing their parliamentary control duty? What was the balance of power between the legislative and executive powers during the pandemic? ... Citește mai mult

Remodelarea unui model?


The pandemic is a social crisis, too. The European Union intends to create unified responses to this crisis and thus reduce the social costs. The pandemic modifies not only sectoral social policies, but also deeper aspects of the European social model, such as ideology and principles. This article explores changes of European social policies, in relation to personal and social life. The main assumption is that some of changes are adjustments to the pandemic, but most of them are rather pre-existing trends, now emphasized: larger decommodification, protection for atypical employment, social security schemes covering new risks and instruments for a new work-life balance. ... Citește mai mult

Atitudini ale studenților din România în timpul pandemiei de COVID-19


The Sars-Cov-2 pandemic has generated many problems in diverse social areas, including education. The aim of the present study is to find out the specific ways in which the pandemic has an effect regarding anxiety and sadness amongst Romanian students. In order to achieve this goal, we made an online questionnaire which was completed by 1,062 students from all geographical areas of Romania. This study reveals that students were exposed to additional stress with the onset of the pandemic, the states of anxiety and sadness amplifying. These states were influenced by mass media, to which was added the impossibility of socialization, the uncertainties regarding the professional career, but also the lack of confidence in crisis management authorities. ... Citește mai mult